Hello beautiful friend !

This "Ulyverse Space" provides you with information, contemplation and service around

Health Lifestyle & intrinisc Medicine

Life is a constant adaptation to a spiraling evolving envirnonment within the cosmic nature itself, and in this interaction we are best off to learn the art of also constantly changing the way we feel for the freer, lighter and better, as that is where we are hardwired to involve and evolve into, whatever it means to you in a holistic sense of being. Freedom, Romance, Relaxation, Peace, Liberation, Celebration, . . . Can you distinguish between your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being? Our emotional reality is receptive as well as individually coloured and in that sense life becomes more about how we feel about it than the facts themselves, which show up in front of us every day. That is why we cannot compare our circumstances with another and are meant to appreciate and see our own reality manifesting for us inorder to keep generating life force from within and play the game of life between surrendering and receieving as well as creating and giving, always tapped into our essence and its nature of belonging, of significanse, of self determination and empowerment, as well as its source of timeless, united, beautiful selfless truth called love, which we are eventually here to bring into form and watch it interacting through feeling it with all our senses.

Here is for keeping us on track with becoming the creator, manifestor, recipient and self-determined authentic human being. The fuller we step into our blueprinted spiritual gifts and unique tapestry of physical, emotional and mental gifts, we connect to the key journey of our lifes. Thus, we create ways of opening our consciousness and emodying our essence at play, in trust and surrender, in awe and witness. What ever it is you are going through today, you are meant to feel it and work with it. Is it prosperity? Or is it suffering? Longevity Lifestyle Hacking is not meant to manipulate our personal reality with drugs to immitate the outcome we think we are meant to embody, but it is here to let go of directing our life from the mind, which in fact is a tool to assist us in implementing what our essence knows is correct for us. This Approach empowers the essential needs of our naturalness to hack through the mind and teach it to expand. This transcending process moreover presents itself in a healing and radiating body. What can you do to nurture the animal inside of you? The so called inner child? What can you do to put your holistic self into the environments and feelings where it experiences love, and trusts the next step within nature to serve nature and with it all humanity as an eye of the big cosmic nature? Can we ever master it? Probably not in a lifetime, but we can prosper through the process, becoming consistently better as of freer, more relaxed, more beautiful, more connected, more enthusiastic or magical, you name it. What we are doing constantly, continually, consistently, is what is going to shape us and determine wether it is serving our nature or not and weather we are heading the direction of love, radiance and magic or of indifference, decay and manipulation. That's the lifestyle pill we are choosing everyday.

That saying as I am studying, contemplating and experimenting with longevity and the interplay of matter and energy, of spirit and form, the now and the beyond, my projects are step by step taking off and I am excited to share content, offerings, tools and visionary invitations of an holistic approach of sustainable mindfull and spiritual well-being, healing and radiating magic.

May this be your call to initiate and unlock life force, flow, strength and resilience, to become your own intrinsic support for any other step in your life. I am happy to guide you for a bit through that process, through personal trainigs, readings, products, inspirations, cocreations or through receiving from you all the same.


Much love, much joy and deep appreciation for shifting together, pioneering into the realms of human superpowers and a new era of health, body awarness, mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence,

yours Uly


Longevity Lifestyle


Intrinisc Health

Prevention, Performance, Purpose 


Healthy Body, Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Ease with an Attitude of Curiosity, Adventure, Integrity and Belonging.

What you might still call Bio-Hacking today, can become your natural healthy Lifestyle, and, in fact, a holistic balanced harmonious biology-aligned

Nurturing of all your parts in synarchy eventually swifting in alignment and illuminating your auric energetic field radiating light of magic.

Simple, true and strong - that is how I aim to provide tools of resilience and purity.

Tickets to the Moon

I love Magic as of mesomrizing innocent moments of love and beauty which bings new ways of seeing possible personal expansions and feelings of freedom and romance. So here I share some cards for you to get taken into the realm of expansion and openness of your own inner magical essence to receive new initiations into new opportunities. Stay tuned.

What the Moon teaches

Just like the moon pulls our oceans, she reminds us of the natural laws of tides: the ebbs and flows and phases of life. This movement is necessary for life and evolution. So, embrace your phase, find balance in allowing the whole spectrum of your feelings. The moon is our reminder to embrace the emotional waves. Please, soften and allow to feel what you attract into your life, connect to your intuition and body awarness to illuminate your deep unconsious world and its shadows. Evolution, Involution and consciousness expansion is inevitable, as long as we stay exposed to the suns bright light of our wildest dreams and passions, so that like the moon we will illuminate the world around us and shine in the vast night skys of our inner worlds.

Catalysing your Process

Get inspired by a Portfolio of Services, Teachings, Sharings and Projects all in the breath of Longevity and prayer to support our personal higher states of being.

May this empower you on your journey of expanding consciousness, solving challenges from a philantropic intrinsic paradisic perspective and softening into loving your self, seeing your significance and radiating your innate unique values and gifts of a liftetime.

May you become healthy, aligned and liberated through an holistic approach of body, mind, emotions and subtle energetic bodiess dancing together in harmony unleashed from agendas creating new ways.

Connecting to Essence

Become your own answer of sucess and happiness and redifine fulfilment. Trust your innermost divine callings, creative powers and unique essence to share your gifts in a community of visionary souls. When we full-heartedly pulsate together in synarchy as part of the great cosmos we are at home, at peace, at joy and in awe.

We cannot change the Ocean, but we can learn to surf it.

May one of the "Tickets to the Moon" will be the Sharings, Offering, Educational Tool or Project that can guide you one step forward in your present Lifes Challenge. I want you to asipre for higher and love to wittnes this pahse of your life. I am here to initiate a change if you feel it and are open to receive it.

 . . . Tickets will be posted here soon . . .