


Run, run, run, make it fun !

Are you looking for a personal Coach?

Are you motivated to run? For fitness,  health, basic training,  specific goals, flow and transcendence or to keeping up with your friends and animal friends?

I am here to support you with longterm training plans and weekly focuses to keep you on track.

Climbing to Haeven . . .

. . . and back down, to the same place, but stronger. Do you want to start climbing and bouldering, are you  looking to improve your technique, strength and mobility? Book your coaching, partnering or mental training to transform fear of hights into liberation. I am looking forward to work out with you.

Hit the Slopes, Jack !

Möchtest du Skifahren oder Snowboarden lernen? Trainieren um wieder reinkommen? Knieschonend fahren? Deine Kids in den Bergen gut betreut wissen? Schnee ist magisch, ihn surfen zu dürfen ein großes Naturerlebnis. Mit Körperbewusstsein und Abendteuerfeuer eine unvergleichbare Freude. Eröffne dir diese Welt und lass uns die nächsten Schwünge gemeinsam zeichnen.


"I can't say enough about the outstanding service I received from your company. Their team went above and beyond to meet our needs and exceeded our expectations."

Benjamin Thistlewood

"I can't say enough about the outstanding service I received from your company. Their team went above and beyond to meet our needs and exceeded our expectations."

Emma Thompson

"I can't say enough about the outstanding service I received from your company. Their team went above and beyond to meet our needs and exceeded our expectations."

Oliver Hartman

Iยดd love to hear from you

Hey dear famfriends, I invest my passion into these projects and I am curious to get your feedback, thoughts, ideas, or friendly words. This guestbook is one way to share these. Let us stay connected to mesmorize your adventures, hugs, Ulli




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