Mountain Sports

Fit to Ski and Snowboard

Initiation into the White Magic Motions Lifestyle

Skiing, Snowboarding, Crosscountry and Touring is an intense playful and powerful Nature-Lifestyle-and Leisure-Sport, which you will fall in Love with when tapped into the feeling of timeless Floating through the white wonderlands.


Strong, clear and true

learn with grace and efficiency to built a stable foundation for an injury free and safe, fearless skiing, combined with functional training, mental training or emotional management and bodyawarenss.

Get ready for fun ways and powder days. Train with me, align with me and eventually understand how to keep training and enjoying safely, fearlessly and selfempowered by yourself.

Consistency is Key

If you want to dive in deep, I am offering Training Bundels including a briefung, a gym session and two or three sessions in the mountains, as well as Single Sessions.

Are you interested in these services? Fill in the form and you will gain access to more information, special offers and prices.

Let me know what you are looking for. I am teaching to overcome fears, tapping into body awareness and self empowerment as well as building strong foundations for injury preventions.

Hourly Consultation Rates

Coaching Consultations Adults < 21 Years
First Spottherapy Mountain Hour 80 ā‚¬ 80 ā‚¬
Subsequent Mountain Hour 55 ā‚¬ 40 ā‚¬
Outside of Carinthia additional fee per day 50 ā‚¬ 50 ā‚¬
Home/Outdoor Gym per Hour 55 ā‚¬ 40 ā‚¬
Home/Outdoor Gym 90 min 80 ā‚¬ 60 ā‚¬
Any Gym additional fee per day 15 ā‚¬ 15 ā‚¬
Boulder 90 min 90 ā‚¬ 80 ā‚¬
Climbing 120 min 120 ā‚¬ 100 ā‚¬

*These are Netto Prices, can be payed in Person or online

Please note that although I am educated as a Ski- and Snowboardinstructor I am not working as a Ski and Snowboard Instructor, because I am not employed by a Skischool. All Offers are either holistic health active consultations or Personal Fittness Trainings focusing on Functional Movement, holistic health to expand Nature- and Bodyawarness, as well as individual tailored  physical, mental, emotional and spiritual awarness initiations, experiences, trainings and managements. Further information on that see here

Rating: 5 stars
1 vote

"It was 1000 times more fun in the mountains when with you together! šŸ„° Thank you for the great time, the impressions, the patience with me, the coolest experience in the mountains as well as rocking the dancefloor! I keep dreaming of ski slopes which I can ski down feartlessly . . . and of Apres Ski with you!"

Maria, Skibeginner, 35

IĀ“d love to hear from you

Hey dear famfriends, I invest my passion into these projects and I am curious to get your feedback, thoughts, ideas, or friendly words. This guestbook is one way to share these. Let us stay connected to mesmorize your adventures, hugs, Ulli




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