UTRC Run-Challenges


UTRC Membership


Summer 2024: RUN Training Challenge (+ Personal Coaching) "Speed Technique, Volume and Race Performance" Pre Week 8-Week-Challenge Bonus Week 29.07. - 4.08.2024 5.08. - 29.09.2024 30.09. - 6.10.2024 Closed
Winter 2024: RUN Winter Training Challenge (+ Personal Coaching) "Basic Endurance/ Taper/ Strength Functional Fitness Training" Pre Week 8-Week-Challenge Bonus Week 28.10. - 3.11.2024 4.11. - 29.11.2024 30.01. - 5.01.2025 Closed
Spring 2025: RUN Training Challenge (+ Personal Coaching) "Tempo Training, speed it up, clean and lean" Pre Week 8-Week-Challenge Bonus Week 24.02. - 2.03.2025 3.03. - 27.04.2025 28.03. - 04.05.2025 Registration open Wien (6.04.), Zürich (13.04.), Düsseldorf (27.04.), Geneva (11.05.), Salzburg (18.05.)
Early Summer 2025: UTRC Summer TRAIL Special + Event 4 Weeks + Event free for Club Members Team Registration
Mid Summer 2025: RUN Training Challenge (+ Personal Coaching) "Speed, Technique, Volume and Race Performance" Pre Week 8-Week-Challenge Bonus Week 4.08.-10.08.2025 11.08. - 5.10.2025 6.10. - 12.10.2025 Registration not yet open Berlin, Cologne, Essen, Graz, Frankfurt, 3-Länder-Marathon, . . .

Training for a 10k, Halfmarathon or Marathon??

Join the next Challenge in March and April to speed it up and get fit for the 2025 Saison!

Want to learn how to run healthy, efficiently and have the best Trainingeffects for a lean, fit and performing body ?

Lets get into your best running style!

UTRC Club Call

03.03.2025 18:30 Uhr

Everyone welcome


Choosing a UTRC Trailrunevent

Spring Training Challenge

Laktate Tool and Tests

Club Perspective, Membership, Finances

Plans & Pricing

UTRC Membership 2025 €60

As a Member you will have access to the Whatsapp group (with enthusiastic runners as well as Coaches, Osteopaths, Doctors). You will be invited to join the quarterly UTRC Meetings:

  • 3.03.2025 (Topics include: Choosing the Trailrun-Event, Spring Challenge, Laktattests, Club Investments and Finances),
  • 6.06.2025 (Trailrun Challenge, Summer Challenge Events)
  • 9.09.2025 (Summer Challenge, UTRC Club Design Shirts and Cloths)
  • 12.12.2025 (Finances, Winter-Ski-Touring Event)

Memebership 2025 also includes:

  • discount on all three Run Training Challenges per Year
  • a free 4 weeks Training Plan Coaching for the Trail Run Event early Summer
  • Whats App Group (Chat, Training Suggestions, Upcoming Event Suggestions, etc.)
  • Laktate Tests for 70€ (in Carinthia, Aachen, Cologne, Kassel, Garmisch Patenkirchen, Lindau or St. Gallen)
  • Technique Video-Run-Analysis by Osteopath Marco Fisher for 30€
  • UTRC Shirts and Run Cloths, which we will design this year
  • Perspektive: Brand-Sponsership for reduced Runequiment
Training Challenge
8 weeks Challenge €160 (20€/week, 80€/month), independent of Clubmembership
8 weeks Challenge for UTRC Clubmembers €60 (7,50€/week, 30€/month)

We are happy to have you on board planning your training weekly with short Masterclasses and Workshops to help you training your flexibility, strength, technique, speed and resilience. You will have a personal Assment Coching Call in the first Week of your Challenge and one at the End of the Challenge.

Personal Training for UTRC Members
1:1 Basic, per Month €100
Training in a Team per Month per Person €80
premium coaching individual agreement

If you like to continue a One-on-One coaching after the Challenge and wish to get a detailled professional Training Plan considering your long-term-goals we are happy to provide further individual Coaching Solutions. You will receive a weekly training plan by one of our Coaches, discuss weekly feedback and enjoy motivation and efficient training.

*All Prices are Netto Prices