


Run, run, run, make it fun !

Are you looking for a personal Coach?

What is your intrinsic motivation?

Fitness, health, endurance training,  specific goals, flow and transcendence, keeping up with your friends and animal friends?

I am here to support you with longterm training plans and weekly focus to keep you on track.

Climb into Flow . . .

. . . up to the top . . .

. . .and back down again to the same place.

What for? Strength, Bodyawarness, moments and opportunities.

  • Do you want to start climbing or bouldering?
  • are you  looking to improve your body-awarnes?
  • overcome fears?
  • prepare for a Mountain-Adventure?

I am looking forward to work and train together

Hit the Slopes, Jack !

Die nächsten Schwünge gemeinsam?

  • Möchtest du Skifahren oder Snowboarden lernen?
  • In Gesellschaft fahren?
  • Deine Kids in den Bergen gut betreut wissen?
  • Angst überwinden?

Schnee ist magisch, ihn surfen zu dürfen ein großes Naturerlebnis. Mit Körperbewusstsein und Abendteuerfeuer eine unvergleichbare Freude. Eröffne dir diese Welt.

I´d love to hear from you

Hey dear famfriends, I invest my passion into these projects and I am curious to get your feedback, thoughts, ideas, or friendly words. This guestbook is one way to share these. Let us stay connected to mesmorize your adventures, hugs, Ulli




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