Climbing :: Klettern

Dancing on the Wall

Focused Meditation

High Intensity at Play


There is a way to unlock Magic through efficient Training including components such as Warm up, Mobility, Functional Movement, Strength, Endurance and Mental Training. If you bring them all together on the Wall and experience new moves, unlock fears and skills, you soon experience flow followed by transcendend moments of timeless joy and ease. It is not about the grade we climb, it is about our own next level that we crack open and release ourselves into.


Consistency is key. 

I am here for your initiation

Auf geht's !

Coaching Consultation Adults <21
Kletter-, Boulderhallen 120 min €120 €100
Boulderama Klagenfurt 120 min €100 € 80
Outdoors 120 min €120 €100
Subsequent hours € 50 € 40

Prices are netto

What do you want to focus on ?


  • warming up
  • climbing/bouldering: Technique, Endurance, Gear- and Ropemanagement
  • functional training & strength training
  • physical Training is mental Training: tailored focus on your specific  challenges, i.e. overcoming fear of hights, tapping into bodyawarness, injury prevention, release, ease and flow.  Let's crack you open and tap into self-empowerement at play.
Boulder Technique


  • warming up
  • climbing: Technique, Endurance, Gear- and Ropemanagement
  • Setting up belaystations, Repell, Multi-pitch techniques, saftey
  • physical Training is mental Training: tailored focus on your specific  challenges, i.e. overcoming fear of hights, tapping into bodyawarness, injury prevention, release, ease and flow.  Let's crack you open and tap into self-empowerement at play.

Contact me

Please fill out this form, email me or call +4367761755874. Thank you, talk soon! Yours Ulli

Thank you

I hope to see you soon

AfterI have confirmed our Trainning together, you might either want to pay cash or online here: Online Booking option will appear here soon

"Liebe Ulli,weißt du ich trainiere ja mit meinem neuen Kletterfreund Timo die gelbe 7a Übergang wo du raufgeflogen bist. Übrigens ich beherzige jeden Rat den du mir gegeben hast und es fühlt sich saugut anπŸ˜‚. Ich hab ihm auch gesagt, dass du mir damals wie so ein Engel erschienen bist. (. . .) Jedenfalls bin ich jetzt wieder am richtigen Weg, weil deine Ausstrahlung in mir eine Tür geöffnet hat. Also Engel hat seine Mission erfüllt. πŸ™Œ ich muss einfach die Zombies im Leben ausblenden und meinen inneren Garten pflegen (...)"


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IΒ΄d love to hear from you

Hey dear famfriends, I invest my passion into these projects and I am curious to get your feedback, thoughts, ideas, or friendly words. This guestbook is one way to share these. Let us stay connected to mesmorize your adventures, hugs, Ulli




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