Hey, I am Dr. Ulrike Gerken and excited to share time with you to cocreate magic
Based out of Austria, Germany and Swizzerland my freelance offerings include Personal Services (in person and online), Group Challenge Containers and cocreative artisanal Projects. As I am planning to set up an Oral health and Longevity Institute (Fittnes, Prevention, Performance), here I am sharing a colourful set of my lifes work contributions, with which I intend to ignite your magical fire and ground you in your body, train your mind, uplift your perspective and initiate positive changes in your inner and outer environment.
May these offerings be a positive catalysation, activation, initiation for your healing and performance journey, may they keep you on track, may you receive guidance to see with a clear perspective and may you be touched with an emotional spark of magic for your next shift or peaceful release.
Find out about my story, academic training and educations here, and get in touch with me through one of my offerings,