Are you living a playful, adventurous Life?

What do you need more of?

water and air
water eye, timeless
breath and the wind of change, rhythms tides and times
the sailors wisdom: we cannot change the wind, but we can adjust aour sails
the deep divers wisdom:
fire and earth
passion, and solid challenges to tame
the mountaineeres wisdom:
Life is a dance, a balancing act. Only a wholesome and full hearted approach to our commitmenst is going to lead to the adventures we are here for.
Not success is determining the adventure.
The goal is for our ego, for our drive and willforce, and the way is for our soul.
Sometimes we win, sometimes we loose, sometimes we are okay, and sometimes we are suprised. Just like that we need to balance the experiences of feeling amazing, feeling bad, feeling okay, or feeling on top and beyond.
If we never feel the hard times, we are not pushing enough, we always feeling a hassle and goals far out of reach we have set them too high.
All of these states are there to fuel another and move you forward on your path of alignment and wholesomeness. The goal is not to be happy, Such a belive system to having to be happy will keep you in prison and keep you held back from the journey of deep dives and transformational powerful achievments. Just like we need the air of lightness and playfulness as fuel for the fire of our hearts passions, we need the oceans waters of emotion to keep it in check. Just like we need the rocks to climb high and see beyond the horizon we need to always climb back down to the sees waters of safey, belonging and rest.
May you be sparked to allow creative Dreams and bolt Visions born from your Passions. May they be fed by your environment becoming epic Adventures externally as internally. May you see the climbs in front of you and the water you are meant to walk on and accept this challenge trusting natures laws and that you are meant to always walk for success and fulfilment evene when and especially when times are hard. Every external failure is the invitation for internal success, just like external success will be the invitation to rest internally in gratitude and awe.
Here is to Exctement, Intoxication, Rawness and Uniquness and to soothing Gratefulness and Wholemsome Fulfilment!